Little Rams Daily Routine
Daily Preschool & Pre-K Activities
- Welcome & Free Choice
- Circle Time/Prayer
- Music and Movement
- Restroom Break
- Snack
- Activity Time/Work Stations
- Outdoor Play/Large Motor Skills
- Catholic Faith Development/Bible Stories
- Group Sharing/Dismissal

Full-Day Enrichment Opportunites
- Restroom Break
- Lunch
- Quiet Reading/Relaxation
- Free Choice/Exploration
- Enrichment Activities in Curriculum Areas
- Minds in Motion
- Group Time/Sharing Dismissal
- Art
- Music (2 x per week)
- Library
- Physical Education

The Little Rams Preschool utilizes curriculum that challenges the students and provides our teachers with material and content that is research and evidence based. Students have opportunities to engage in teacher led lessons and child driven activities. Children at Good Shepherd are encouraged to learn through many different opportunities guided by the teachers. Our teachers follow the Indiana Early Learning Foundations Standards to ensure each child is ready for the next step in their educational journey.
Big Day for PreK
- Math
- Literacy
- Science
- Social Studies
- Creative Arts
- Social-Emotional
- Writing
- Language Development

Religion is integrated daily. Our students pray before school, during school, and before meals. Our preschool and pre-k teachers use Allelu!, an early childhood Catholic curriculum, as a guide to help each student strengthen their faith. Students will learn:
- Prayers
- Parts of our church and mass
- Life of Jesus
- Saints
- Personal Petitions
- Loving God and others
- Self as part of a family
Also, pre-k students attend the last 4-6 masses of the school year to help prepare them for kindergarten.
Al’s Pals
Al’s Pals is a nationally recognized social-emotional program that is used with our Pre-K students. Children learn important social-emotional skills through lessons taught by puppets and fun music. The social-emotional skills your child will gain through this program include:
- Self-control
- Better problem solving abilities
- Healthy decision making
- How to regulate own feelings and behavior
- Helps students learn conflict resolution
- Peaceful problem solving
- Positive social relationships

Office Hours
Sat & Sunday: CLOSED
Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM